Epoxy Flooring Frequently Asked Questions

How long does installation take?

We complete most projects are completed within a couple of days. But the majority of them take about ONE DAY.

What is the difference between polyaspartic coatings and epoxy coatings?

Polyurea or Polyaspartic are only needed for 1 reason, time. We only use it in kitchens (so they only have to close shop for 24hrs). If you have a regular space that you're able to be off of for 72 hrs, then there is no reason to use Polyurea or Polyaspartic. We put APF Epoxy 550 and APF Polyurethane 100 on everything from garages, patios, porches. Epoxy is extremely durable but it will fade and yellow if direct sunlight is applied over time. So to prevent that we use polyaspartic coatings, because they are much more durable and long-lasting than any epoxy. Our polyaspartic coating is highly resistant to UV damage or chemicals , so we can confidently say that your floor won’t yellow or fade over time.

Does everything have to be out of the garage during flooring installation?

Yes please remove everything from your garage, since we need to grind all the floor and then start installing your epoxy or polyaspartic coatings. If you keep your stuff in the garage, it will make things harder for us, we will not be able to grind the concrete.

Is the floor covering easy to clean?

Yes, that is the best part of epoxy or polyaspartic coatings, they are easy to clean and maintain. Once we apply concrete coating to your floor, you don't need to worry about stains or anything like that. And if you want to clean your floor, all you need is warm water and a squeegee.

What surfaces can coatings be applied to?

We usually apply epoxy or polyaspartic coatings to garages, kitchens, basements, patios, and also some commercial spaces like restaurant or office floors.

Does the floor scratch?

Once we install your floor, you will not need to worry about scratches or stains from water or oil, because the way we install your floor is unique and once your polyaspartic coating is fully installed, it will be highly resistant to damage.

Does the flooring leave a smell?


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