#1 Epoxy Flooring Contractor in Dunwoody, GA

Dunwoody's #1 Epoxy Floor & Metro Atlanta Epoxy Flooring

Premier Epoxy Flooring Services in Dunwoody, GA

Welcome to Metro Atlanta Epoxy Flooring. In Dunwoody, we provide high-quality epoxy flooring solutions designed to meet the specific needs of both residential and commercial properties. Our expert team offers over ten years of experience in delivering floors that not only look good but last long. Let us transform your space into something spectacular.

Creative Concrete Coatings Epoxy Flooring Athens, GA
residential epoxy flooring contractor athens

Residential Epoxy Flooring

  • Garage Floors: Protect your garage with durable epoxy flooring that resists stains and wear, maintaining a clean and professional look.

  • Basements: Our epoxy solutions turn basements into vibrant, functional spaces, resistant to moisture and mold, perfect for Dunwoody’s climate.

  • Kitchens: Choose epoxy flooring for your kitchen to enjoy a stain-resistant, easy-to-clean surface that withstands daily use.

  • Bathrooms: Enhance your bathroom with our waterproof and slip-resistant epoxy floors, combining safety with contemporary style.

  • Living Areas: Our living area epoxy flooring is available in various designs and colors, allowing you to match your unique style preferences.

commercial epoxy flooring contractor athens

Commercial Epoxy Flooring

  • Retail Spaces: Our epoxy floors are ideal for retail environments, offering durability and easy maintenance even in high-traffic areas.

  • Offices:Improve your office space with our epoxy flooring that provides a sleek appearance and reduces noise.

  • Restaurants: Utilize our robust epoxy flooring in your restaurant for a floor that can handle high traffic and frequent cleaning.

  • Schools and Hospitals: Our floors are perfect for schools and hospitals, offering a hygienic, durable surface that's easy to maintain.

Custom Epoxy Floor Coating in Dunwoody, Ga


Upgrade your Dunwoody property with Creative Concrete Coatings. We offer specialized, durable epoxy flooring for both residential and commercial spaces. Start with a free consultation today!

  • Longevity: Epoxy flooring is known for its ability to withstand heavy traffic and extreme wear, making it a long-lasting investment.

  • Maintenance Ease: These floors are incredibly easy to clean, requiring only basic maintenance to keep them looking new.

  • Aesthetic Variety: With a wide selection of colors and textures, epoxy floors can be tailored to any decorative style.

  • Cost Benefits: Epoxy floors are cost-effective, offering significant savings on maintenance and replacement over time.

  • Spill and Stain Resistance: These floors are ideal for areas prone to spills, providing excellent protection against stains and chemical damage.

why choose epoxy flooring in athens, ga
why choose epoxy flooring in athens, ga

What makes us different from other epoxy contractors in Dunwoody, GA?

Why Georgians Trust Metro Atlanta Epoxy Flooring ?

  • Proven Expertise

Our experience ensures that every project is handled with precision and skill.

  • Customized Service

We tailor our flooring solutions to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring satisfaction.

  • High-Quality Materials

WeWe use only premium materials in our installations, guaranteeing floors that are both durable and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Client Commitment

Our dedication to client satisfaction drives us to exceed expectations on every project.

Our 6-Step Process for Flawless Floors

If you’re in Dunwoody and considering an upgrade to epoxy flooring, look no further than Metro Atlanta Epoxy Flooring. Reach out today to learn how we can enhance your space with durable, stylish, and efficient flooring solutions. Let's work together to make your flooring vision a reality. Contact us now to start your project!

grinding epoxy flooring Athens, GA


We begin with thorough surface preparation to ensure the epoxy properly adheres to the floor.

repair epoxy flooring Athens, GA


All surface imperfections are addressed to create a smooth, even base for the epoxy application.

basecoat epoxy flooring Athens, GA


A solid basecoat is applied, which will support the durability and color integrity of the floor.

flake epoxy flooring Athens, GA


Decorative flakes can be added for additional texture and visual interest.

scrape epoxy flooring Athens, GA


We remove excess flakes to ensure a uniform finish before the final coating.

seal epoxy flooring Athens, GA


The application of a protective topcoat seals the epoxy, enhancing its durability and providing a polished look.

Schedule Your Epoxy Flooring Service

Take Your Property To The Next LEVEL With 3 Easy Steps

call us today epoxy flooring Athens, GA


Give us a call or fill out a form. We'll reach out soon!

schedule service epoxy flooring Athens, GA


We will send you a link to pick a time that works for you.

care epoxy flooring Athens, GA


Our team takes great care in the work we do, so what is left to you is to get excited about your new floor coating.